About Us

Why Us?

The Development as permanent change is possible with changes in socio-economic condition of society, that is largely the responsibility of Government but at the part of non-governmental effort, the civilians and citizens can act as makers of social change. Changes at a small level are possible through positive change by participating in decision making process through welfare programmes and activities. The social activists, social groups as NGO can play a vital role to push the development process partially and practically at their part. They can work to implement result oriented stable socio-economic change making initiatives at an ideological level, and also affect the policy making and implementation processes.

Our Work


Though the development of society is a part of the regular development process of civilizations but to keep the process going on to achieve the more better targets regularly without any conflicts and domination in society the social activist civilians and group of the change makers as NGO have to regularly play the vital role in the completion of the process.

This is the way the positive social changes are possible in present and future time.

Our target

Children Improved
Corruption free India

The aim behind our existence

This information provided here is focused upon objectives and our scope of work.

Registration No. LUC/09432/2019-2020
Under Society Registration Act, 1860.
Committee of Management Members of General Body

What We Do?

Rising Fundation is a non-profit, voluntary citizens group which is organized on a local, national or international level, task-oriented and driven by people with a common interest.

  • Corruption free India
  • Social Welfare and Development
  • Economical Development
  • Education Development
  • Cultural Development
  • Cleanliness and Sanitation, etc.


Happy Donators


Success Mission


Volunteer Reached


Globalization Work